Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Recipe of the Week! Pineapple Sorbet

Oh Summer.... Where for art thou? It's been raining and drippy here for a few weeks, but I'm sure the sun will come out eventually!? Right?!?! Hopefully... Time for those evening bonfires... s'mores... brats... and all those great picnic favorites! When you need a little something sweet, but don't want to undo your healthy eating, or even if you just want something light... Try a sorbet! Now don't get me wrong! I love me some ice cream and all the worlds baked goods... but this is really a treat. Cool. EASY to make and refreshing.


  • 1 small pineapple, peeled and cored
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
  • Mint sprigs (optional)


Cut pineapple into 2-inch pieces. Place pineapple and lemon juice in a food processor; process until smooth. Add sugar; process 1 minute or until sugar dissolves.

Pour mixture into the freezer can of an ice-cream freezer; freeze according to manufacturer's instructions. Spoon sorbet into a freezer-safe container. Cover and freeze 1 hour or until firm. Garnish with mint sprigs, if desired.

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